
Sunday, August 22, 2010

I Wanna Scream. Not From Anger, Not From School (Surprisingly) but... This.

From Destiny's Library:

Sorry that I haven't blogged on Central for a while. But as most of you know, I hosted the Wizard101Central Photoshoot and special thanks to The Vampire Princess for taking the pictures.
But... You see, just about I was gonna log on Wizard101 to host the Shoot. Then Samantha just has to pick that time to ask if I want to go on the Trampoline with her.
I attempt to refuse, but then my mom lectures me about friggin' excercise (WHICH I DIDN'T NEED!) and I end up having to go for a walk just as the clock dings. I quickly make a post about how I couldn't get on the computer and ask them if they could please wait for me for a bit, but when I return home..... And I was only gone for about 15 minutes at most... I see the shoot went on without me.
I was shocked, heartbroken and angry. I missed my own event... And I had spent so much time in effort into it... For that. All of it just stomped on and crushed. At least, for me it was. Then and there, I wanted to quit Central. I wanted to quit Wizard101! I wanted to take out all my anger on it...
So the next hour or so I made sure to steer clear of it until Jessica asked me if I could RP 39 Clues... And in that time, I looked through the screenshots and the signatures... And they were all good, it's just that... Every time the Shoot has been mentioned or I see a sig or shot based off of it, I feel bad and want to burst into tears. The only exception is sugurmouse's (Otherwise known as Jessica, a Duo of Death Co-Host) sig. All the other sigs when I layed eyes on them I feel a swarm of negative emotions.
I'm wondering if I should host another shoot in turn, but there's school and some may remember the The Last Airbender release in-game party, I missed that. Now I miss the Photoshoot. How do I know that I'm not gonna just miss this and mess it up?
I don't mean to offend anyone whatsoever by this post. I just had to let it out.
And for the record, I've actually been on the verge of crying irl (such as now) a lot of times while writing this.

I'm so sad about this I'm not even gonna do my trademark sig.


  1. Aw man, well if it makes you feel any better,
    I had to go to Wal-Mart at the last second.

  2. Yikes, I really hate it when I miss events too, like that huge Meet-and-greet last month, so many were there and I was on vacation "Argh!" Try not to quit though, and still try to have fun in the Spiral! :)
