
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bookworm schtuff as well as The Necromancer's Matter, Part 9; A Glitch in Time schtuff

Bookworm Status Report:

Wait, speaking of bookworms, well, a new trailer for a movie based off of a book is on air!

Sorry 'bout the size, but it was the smallest they and. And No, I HAVEN'T read the book yet! Shocking, isn't it? Note to self: Read Voyage of Dawn Treader soon. You see, for some reason, when it comes to Narnia, I'm too lazy! I read Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe a week before the movie came out and I finished Prince Caspian JUST IN TIME for the movie, like a DAY before. That reminds me of the time when we went to see Inkheart in theaters, I had finished Inkdeath right when we were pulling into the lot. THAT was EXTREMELY close.

Anyways, REAL Bookworm Status Report:

The Necromancer:

Done a long time ago.


Done a week or so ago.

Golden Spiral:

Still in que for that in the library.

Also, I recently got Fang, (Maximum Ride Book 6... Already almost done with it... I DEVOUR that series like HECK) Kings of Clonmel (Rangers Apprentice Book 8: Cody introduced me to the series and together we would LITERALLY do NOTHING BUT READ that! So I'm excieted! I hope Alyss and Evanlyn are in it!), the Maze Runner (By the author of 13th Reality... Been waiting for Maze since, like, what? October? For me, that's a LONG time in Bookworm World. One Month = Three Months) and The Force Unleashed. YES OFF OF THE DANGED VIDEO GAME, WHAT ELSE? Cody just got it for PS3 and well, beat it. Oh, speaking of which, he achieved something BIG but I'll leave him to gloat about it.

I've also posted the official TNM thread on Central! PLEASE COMMENT!!! Click here to go to ze thread of awesomefulness.

Speaking of TNM, Kestrel gave me a good idea to gain more readers: To split them into different sections. So now I'm taking her advice, and I saw that, well, it was the ONLY way to do Part 9 if it were to be REALLY excieting. So here's A Glitch in Time! (The first bit, anyways XD)

The Necromancer's Matter, Part 9; A Glitch in Time

"The newspaper archives are right this way," The wizard library volunteer said. 
"Thanks," Destiny said. 
Ever since Noah had revealed that Marcus was his great-great uncle, she had been researching him, looking for any hints that could be useful. From Noah's knowledge she had learned that Marcus was an only child and had lived until he was sixteen years old. He was a very advanced student that even Dragonspyre Academy was impressed with, and she knew they were strict when it came to students. His academic level was so high that he constantly made newspapers, them saying how great and dedicated he was. She was mainly scanning for any hints of Legendary Wizards activity. 
Destiny walked through the archieves hall, scanning the newspapers that were printed when Marcus was alive. Destiny chose a few months worth of newspapers and looked until she found something:  

                                       A New Age of Wizards 

Recently, there have been some advanced students making their way towards the highest academic achievement possible. There are some very dedicated students in which have made the honor roll so many time in which they have to be reconized for their strong efforts. 

Destiny leafed through the biographies for dedicated students until she came across Marcus: 

Marcus Dawngem 
Marcus is a fellow fire student who has achieved honors since he was seven. His extrodinary ablities for Fire Magic has allowed him to rise up and up until he has gotten to where he is now: at the top of Dragonspyre Academy. "He always studies hard and tries his best," Says his sister, Cassandra Spellfountain, adept thautamerge. 

Destiny read on the biography and other newspaper articles until she came across a newspaper with an interesting header: 

                                            Dawngem Fades 

Fellow wizards, old and young, grandmaster and novice, are now saddened by the shock of the sudden death of Marcus Dawngem, at the age of sixteen. The high-achieving grandmaster fire student was found in his room, lying on the floor, stone dead. His eyes were wide open along with his mouth, but no one has any idea why this sudden tradgedy has taken its toll. "He was just fine the day before," His family claims. "Then all of a sudden, he goes into his room, and he stays there for hours. We call him to dinner, and when he didn't come, we rushed to investigate. And there he was, just dead. We have no idea why all of a sudden, this, this ordeal for us is taking place!" 
For those who don't know who Marcus is, he was a high-ranked fire student. At novice his professor could see just what Marcus held in store. "He was so bright," Professor Firestone, teacher of Fire, said. "I could instantly tell that he was so capable of many things. It is a great loss to have such a young and brilliant mind lost." 
Marcus reached apprentice soon, then became initiate in a matter of days. In just two months, at the age of nine, Marcus was a grandmaster and unbelievably, still moving. During his lifetime he has achieved countless honors since the age of eight. "I honestly think he had more then the capacity to become a future teacher of Dragonspyre Academy," Shares his friend, Patrick Thundershard, master diviner. "He even tried to create his own spells! Even though we were best buds, I always looked up to him. Even at death, I still do."
We will all mourn the loss of Marcus Dawngem. Funeral services will be conducted at the Dawngem home, next friday starting at 10:00 am. 

Destiny had never realized how much even she was saddened until now. She could tell that everyone had had high expectations of him. Then all of a sudden he was gone. Sighing heavily, she cleaned up the newspaper articles and put them back in place. Destiny picked up her Scavenger's Staff of Sagas and exited the library. She was also now level 23, wore the Initiate's Uniform, was still sticking with the Onyx Studded Boots, and was really proud of her hat, the Animated Tri-Corn. It was a rare item and was no longer sold. 
Nikki fluttered up to her. I read most of the article, She said. Until you put them away. It's kinda sad, isn't it? 
Destiny nodded. "It is indeed,"  
Well, I meant you putting away the articles, actually, Nikki admitted. 
Destiny glared at Nikki. 
Kidding, Nikki muttered. Take a joke, will you? 
"The death of someone that great isn't a joke," Destiny said as she exited the library.

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