
Monday, May 10, 2010


I just thought of something. Something that could prove rather useful.
But two things first: YAY! From what I've seen, I got Jessica to join ConnectX!
For the second thing: this is gonna be a short post, cause it's coming from an iPhone. Don't ask. (All right all rift I found my moms iPhone sitting there! If you don't want me using toys, then pick them up! Believe me, I made an artificial arm in Tech class today, and let's just say it's like Elmo aquiring a gun! And that's BAD!!!)
Ok, so to the point of this post. I was just about to send Fallon of the Shadowblade A message to fix the ballots when I decided that it couldaybe prove rather useful. You see, EVERYONE keeps saying that Leesha Darkheart of Ravenwood Radio is gonna kick my Hone (or however you say it in Galic, Donna), so I began to wonder if I shoud run another term. I mean, who can blame me? Everyone keeps saying that not only that Leesha will beate, but that she will, well, like I said, kick me Hone! So I wondered if that If here were a term or semester in which Leesha, Fallon, or Thomas ran. How would I do THEN? I mean,seriously, they've all got. Power, fame, even Kingsilise's preferance on their side! So, will here be a term in which I can prove
myself, or will I have to convince Fallon to edit the ballot?


  1. Next term, remember to comment on the official post! To enter, you have to be a ConnectX member and comment on a post in ConnectX to be listed in the ballot.

    I'll be voting for you next term!

  2. But if Leesha wins this term, then next term the odds will be in your favor!! :)
