
Friday, April 2, 2010

Sorry, but....

I got a lot of comments after Cody's announcement. Mostly, it was stuff like, "Is this April Fools?" and "HAHA You can't fool ME!", that kind of thing.
But let me tell you guys, this is NOT the Awesome Pyromancer. Cody HAS quit! He IS sick of it. I'm sorry, but its no April Fools.
But, now before you guys delete the Duo of Death off of your roll, consider this.

Cody said he was qutting.

But he never said I did!

But, the Duo of Death just may come to a close.
Not for the reason you think, though! The thing is, its called the DUO of Death. Its no longer a duo, eh? If this were to shut down, it would be because I'd make a blog of my own.

Anyways, I'm sorry for Cody. To make it up to you, I'll release the title to my new series and post even more Legend Reborn.
And my new series is (drumroll please):

The Drakes, Part 1; A Matter of Life and Death

A Matter of Life of Death referring to the schools AND the actual saying.

And now, more of part 4:

Wait, before I start, I must say, I'm surprised with the results of the polls. So far,

For the Traitor:

2 People think its Neela,

and 1 person thinks its Chris. Interesting.

For the name:

2 people for the Order of the Spiral,

3 for Line of Desendants (Just keep in mind that Destiny no desendant so far!!!)

For the Commander (I'm pretty shocked with this):

1 person for Ryan,

3 for Destiny.

For the second in command:

3 (Which is everyone) for Jason.

For the third:

A dead tie between Destiny, Ryan, Chris and Natalie, which all recieved one vote.

Now, for the show:

The Necromancer’s Matter, Part 4; The Legend Reborn.

It smelled of fur, animals, bears.

They were in Grizzlehiem.

A little rainbow stretched out before them, producing bright colors, red, orange, blue, yellow, green, purple. Black wasn’t there. It seemed like an outsider, and outcast, just like Destiny.

It certainly wasn’t how Natalie, Ryan, Jason, Neela or Chris treated her. Especially not Neela. Destiny and Neela were almost best friends now, although Neela was much higher a rank then her. They all were.

Jason and the diviners hooted and laughed as they ran and pranced on the swarm of colors, Jason in the red, Ryan and Natalie in the purple. Chris just walked on the yellow one.

Destiny didn’t take a step on the rainbow. She, a necromancer, held no place in the spiral.

Neela patted her on the back. “Come on, lets go,” She encouraged. “Your cousin’s out there.”

Esmee Lionblood was the reason why they had all come here in the first place, having a chance to be the desendant of Ice, the first to use ice magic. It was the reason why they were here, why Vladimir was looking for her.

The thought of Vladimir sent Destiny’s brows furrowing and her legs pounding against the rainbow. Vladimir, that good-for-nothing, spiteful, evil, eluding character. Vladimir, whose surname brought up shivers. Vladimir, whose ancestor, Valkoor, was a man worse then him, seeking nothing but power over the spiral, the foul villain who caused sheer terror, even when dead.

They all met up at the docks. “So, let’s review the places in Grizzlehiem,” Jason said.

“Let’s see,” Natalie started. “There’s here, Northguard, Savvarstaad Pass, Ravenscar, Mirkholm Keep, for starters.”

“Any one of those places Esmee could be in,” Destiny remarked.

“I’d doubt Ravenscar,” Ryan said. “You’d have to be, like, a master just to get inside. Jason and Chris can’t get in, let alone a novice!”

“I guess we should patrol other possibilities, then,” Jason said. “Neela, see if you can find a way to get into Ravenscar. Natalie, patrol Northguard. Ryan, Destiny, get into Savvarstaad Pass. Chris and I will go into Mirkholm Keep. Move out!”

Jason said the last words with such great force that it sent everyone scattering to do so.

“Ryan, back in the balance school,” Destiny said when she and Ryan were in Savvarstaad Pass. “You said something about a prophecy.”

“Ah, yes, the Prophecy of Fire,” Ryan remembered. “I spent most of the morning yesterday searching for something that had to do with it.”

“So that’s why you were there!” Destiny said. She shook off the fascination quickly. “But why is it called The Prophecy of Fire? And more importantly, what did it say? What is it about?”

“Fire was a seer,” Ryan began, with Destiny cutting him off quickly. “What’s a seer?”

“Basically, someone who can predict events,” Ryan said. “As for your second question, why don’t you read and find out?” He handed her a small scroll, ancient and feeble, the parchement ripped and tattered in various places, words inscribed in fading red ink. Destiny unraveled it and read the following:

Eleven shall stand and take a challenge,

Weary of age and time,

All of great lineage,

One to betray, in the land of the forest,

One to join then, another found with the enemy,

One in the peaceful land,

Three withstanding a glitch in time,

Following that, the paper had been torn in half, cutting off the prophecy. Right now though, the concern was off little importance. They had to pay attention of what was yet to come.

“Someone’s going to betray us, and soon,” Destiny said.

“I know,” Ryan said. “I was hoping the topic would come up sooner or later. We need to figure out who.”

“Let’s run down some suspects,” Destiny suggested. “I know for a fact it’s not you or me, so some possibilities are Chris and Natalie.”

“Natalie?” Ryan bellowed. “That’s absurd! If she were the traitor, wouldn’t I be in it with her, or at least know about it?”

“True,” Admitted Destiny. “So that leaves Chris.”

“He is quiet and sophisticated,” Ryan mused. “And he was a friend of Vladimir’s in the past, maybe he’s hooked back up with him.”

Then Destiny remembered something: back in Krokotopia, Jason accused Neela of being a traitor, than accused Ryan as well. Could he be using it as cover? Destiny considered. Then she couldn’t contain it any longer.

“Jason!” Destiny burst. “It has to be him! He accused you and Neela of being traitors, what if he’s doing that as cover? And he was a tag along with Vladimir!”

“Good thinking,” Ryan said. “But what about Neela? We haven’t even mentioned her.”

“Are you crazy?” Destiny shouted. “Neela could do no harm! She’s sweet and gentle, and I defend her like you defend Natalie!”

“So that leaves Jason or Chris,” Ryan confirmed. “We need to alert everybody now!”

It was near nightfall when they reached camp- a little makeshift shelter with the perimeter of a circle, the walls built with stone and roof being a few wooden planks set across the top, going from one side to another, making sure the inside was protected from rain and other weather problems. The interior had a sizeable amount of space for Neela’s sleeping equipment, all placed in a perfect circle flanking a fire in the middle. To the little bedroom’s left was a little rug to eat on, and a little bucket halfway filled with water. The entryway was just a long rectangle reaching from the ground to the roof. The news came at dinner.

Destiny and Ryan looked at each other, meaning it was time to bring the news.

Ryan cleared his throat, and everyone gave him their attention.

“As we were patrolling Savvarstaad Pass,” Ryan began. “Destiny and I figured out something we need to tell you, to warn you about.”

Everyone looked interested.

“We have found out,” Ryan said. That one of you are not truly with us, and is a spy under Vladimir’s command.”

“And that person,” Ryan continued coldly. “Is in this room, in this circle, right here, right now.”

There were silent reactions from all. Chris continued to sit undaunted. Jason leaned his head forward. Neela’s eyes grew bigger and bigger until they were almost little balls out of its sockets. Natalie looked around the room. “Who do you think it is?” She asked, breaking the silence.

“We have come to a conclusion that it needs to be either Jason or Chris,” Destiny said.

“What?!” Jason stood up as Neela seemed to relax a little. “Why me or Chris?” Chris still seemed to be relaxed, even though he was being accused. Dang, he’s good at this, Destiny thought.

“Both of you were Vladimir’s friends at the beginning,” Ryan began. “And Chris is very quiet.”

“So Chris is quiet,” Jason shrugged. “Big deal! He was like that even when we were with Vladimir!”

“But why did you accuse everyone in Krokotopia?” Destiny said.

“I didn’t!” Jason persisted.

“You sure didn’t trust Neela,” Destiny pointed out. “And you even accused Ryan while he was busy at the library when Natalie said he wasn’t one for books.”

“Yeah, you did!” Natalie stood up along with Destiny and Jason.

“Why accuse me anyways?” Ryan stood.

“I was defending my group!”

Finally yelling and arguing broke out between the quartet, saying rude things and finding the negative when someone yelled, “Stop it!”

Neela could take no more of the fighting. “We’re not going to find the traitor by fighting amongst ourselves. What we need is leadership, cooperation. What this situation needs is complete control.”

Neela was right. If they were to find the traitor, it couldn’t be done like this.

Soon, everyone got in their sleeping bags, with the sky dark, the stars shining, and the moon full.

Neela was to the right of Desitny. Tonight they were going to pull a prank on Ryan: when he was sleeping, they would get the water bucket, fill it with hot water, and dip Ryan’s hand in it!

“This is going to be classic,” Neela mused.

“I’ll say!” Destiny replied quietly. “Proven fact he’ll wet his bag!”

“Quickly, check the bucket,” Neela ordered.

“Sure thing,” Destiny quietly slipped out of the sleeping bag and ran over to the bucket, surprisingly empty.

“It’s empty,” Destiny reported.

Neela furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head to the side in confusion. “That’s funny,” She said. “I remember it being full during dinner.” She stood up. “Here, I’ll go refill it while you make sure Ryan’s asleep.” She grabbed the bucket and left.

Destiny looked over to Ryan, who was raising his head.

“Don’t even bother to try to hide it from me,” He told her.

“All right then,” Destiny answered. “We’ll do it on Jason instead.”

“Speaking of which,” Ryan looked around. “He isn’t here.”

Destiny checked his bag. Sure enough, Jason’s sleeping bag was empty. More proof he’s the traitor, Destiny thought. She could tell Ryan was thinking the same thing.

“I guess we’ll have to do it on-“Destiny smelled something horrible. “Bleck! What’s that awful smell?”

Ryan sniffed the air. “Smoke,” He clarified. Then his eyes widened. “Fire!” He shouted.

“Yeah, maybe it’s leftover smoke from the campfire,” Destiny thought out loud.

Ryan shook his head so rapidly, it was terrifying. “NO!” He shouted. “LOOK BEHIND YOU!”

Destiny turned around and outside the little hut was a huge fire, the flames trickling endlessly as it continued to burn the land, giving it more fuel, larger and wider then life, large enough to destroy a whole city.

But it wasn’t heading to destroy a city. It was aiming for the hut.

“Oh my GOSH!” Destiny screamed, loud enough to wake Natalie and Chris, who, when they saw the flames, stood right up with their mouths into perfect little O’s.

“I’ve never seen a fire like that,” Chris remarked.

“Where’s Jason?” Natalie asked in a panicky tone. “He’s a pyromancer, I’ll bet he can clear this out! Also, where’s the water bucket?”

The bucket was with Neela.


“Neela and Jason are both out there!” Destiny yelled. They had to get the fire under control before it destroyed everything!

“Here, if we want to put out the fire, everyone needs to contribute!” Ryan yelled. “Natalie, look for Neela and Jason! Chris, see if you can find a source of water, collect it, and then use it to put some of it out! Destiny, your secondary school is fire, maybe you can possibly clear some of it out! I’ll guard camp!”

Destiny rushed to the fire, as if confronting it. And as if alive and in rage, the flames spread wider. This is getting bigger and bigger, Destiny thought.

She didn’t see how her fire spells would help, so she looked towards her ice treasure cards: only one snow serpent. She quickly traced the ice symbol, picturing the serpent to roam through the flames, putting the fire out.

The snow serpent quickly came to life, drew back, and quickly headed into the fire, making a trail of burnt ground behind him. It lasted a few seconds, but as quickly as it had been put out, the fire regenerated, smothering the line with flames once again, and sending the serpent quickly slithering away, with fire dancing at the end of its tail. What do I do now? Destiny thought. That’s when she heard coughing and sputtering. She followed the sound until she found a familer face, covered in soot and ash.

“Jason!” She ran over to him. “Are you all right?”

“Don’t worry about me,” Jason said. “I’m just trying to clear out this fire.” He lit up all of a sudden. “Hey, your secondary school is fire, maybe you can help!” The flames increased their height by double.


“Don’t worry, just do what I do,” Destiny watched as he pointed the tip of his wand towards the fire, turned it in circles like a baton, then the fire responded by donating some of the flames to Jason’s wand. “Twirling it will collect the fire. The more you twirl, the more you collect. The more you collect, the more dangerous it becomes. Then all you have to do is put it out.” The blew on his wand, and the fire resting on his want immediately evaporated into thin air.

Destiny did the same as Jason, then blew on it, but only for it to send a little fireball crash in a piece of land the fire had not yet covered. The fire reached out to it shortly.

“Um, Jason?” Destiny asked. “Mine had a little more disasterous effect!”

“Oh don’t worry,” Jason soothed. “It’s a little harder for people who take it as an elective.”

“Good to know!” Destiny yelled, exaggerated. “It shouldn’t be hard for me because fire was my calling until the stupid book of secrets took a wrong turn and placed me in death!”

“I remember that day as the start of the showdown with you and Vladimir.”

Destiny smiled as she remembered when she had kicked Vladimir’s butt.

“Watch out!” Jason yelled just in time as Destiny leaped to the right as a line of fire covered where her feet had been a moment ago. Jason had saved her feet from being burned to a crisp. And now he was nowhere to be found.

Destiny searched frantically for Jason, screaming out his name mulpitile times as she watched the fire destroy everything around her.

And things were getting even worse. She was swaying, her vision going crazy, watching everything being burned and going around in circles around her. The extreme heat must be getting to her.

Ant that night, before passing out, the last thing Destiny remembered seeing were two unfamiliar people heading her way.

Destiny regained counsiousness on a wooden couch fluffed with a variety of pillows and blankets. She looked around her, in a circular hut, but not in the one she had gotten so used to while in Grizzlehiem. The walls were like a tent, huge and white. The entryway was a white sheet. The ceiling was held up by poles, hole in the middle to allow light in. Across from her was another couch no unlike the one she was laying on. A red asile streamed from the entryway to a stove raised on a circlular platform and a girl about her age dressed in red and yellow, a hood making her hair. In the middle of the asile was a square table with four chairs surrounding it.

Destiny walked over to the girl, who seemed to be cooking. She looked over at Destiny, who stepped back immediately at the sight of her eyes.

Her eyes were a pure red, no blood red, but red as fire. In fact, it WAS the same color as fire. They also seemed to flicker along with the kitchen fire, as if there were a fire blazing in the pupils.

“Hey,” The girl greeted. “We saw you in that fire last night. It was pretty serious.”

“We?” Destiny asked. “Who’s we?”

Then a boy, tall and buff, tannish colored skin with short purple hair and purple and yellow clothing entered. Destiny made sure to pay attention to the eye color, which was purple, which was nothing new, but Destiny could’ve sword she saw a flash of lightning in them. Are these peoples’ eyes holographic or what? She thought.
The boy dragged in some logs, obviously meant for firewood. He threw them-literally threw them- right next to the fireplace.
"Thanks for the firewood, Sto-Stephan," The girl thanked. "We were running short."
The diviner called Stephan nodded curtely and plopped himself on the couch across from where destiny had been sleeping on previously. Chris and Stephan would be best friends, Destiny mused, keeping the thought to herself.
"We refers to me and Stephan," The girl said. "I'm Fiona."
"Um, my name is-" Destiny started, but then the girl cut her off.
"You are called Destiny Seagem," Fiona said. "You are an inititate, primary school death, secondary fire. You are traveling across the spiral with five others. You stopped at Grizzlehiem looking for someone."
Destiny opened her jaw, but shut it again, too stunned to speak. Her schools and rank were easy to guess, but her name and purpose?
There was something weird about the place.
Hey, don't forget about me!
A tiny little chirping voice arose all of a sudden.
Fiona smiled. "Don't worry, Nikki, we haven't forgotten about you."
You had better not! Came the voice in response.
"Um, me and Stephan weren't the only ones to save you," Fiona siad." Nikki came too."
"Who's Nikki?" Destiny asked.
That's when a sprite came out, but looking different. Instead of peach skin, orange hair, blue eyes and an orange floury dress, this was a sprite that had red eyes, a tattered red dress, black boots and hair. And, when Destiny found out, a serious attitude.
Well, ain't it obvious, sunshine? The words came from the sprite. She turned to Fiona. How can she NOT know me? She has the brain the size of a peanut!
"Hey!" Destiny yelled. "I have a perfectly well-sized brian."
The sprite gaped at Destiny. You can understand me?
"Well, duh."
Maaaaybe you aren't as dumb I thought. Maybe.
"I'm not dumb, period!"
The sprite opened its mouth to protest, but Fiona silenced her. "You... you can understand?"
"Well, duh!" Destiny said.
"Weird," Fiona said. "Usually the visitor me and Stephan have, all they can usually hear is constant chirping. You're the first person we know to have understood Nikki."
"Maybe its because I'm death-type?" Destiny asked. "And I get it that Nikki here is the sprite?"
No, I'm a mander, The sprite expressed lamely. Yes, I'm Nikki, who do ya think?
"No, its not because you are in the death school," Fiona said. "We've had necromancers visit before. And, after all, you did have high hopes of being in fire instead." Fiona surpressed a small smile.
That was it! "How did you know about THAT?!" Destiny burst. "That is one of the most private stuff EVER!"
Fiona kept smiling. "I know various things."s
"And just how many is 'various'"? Destiny asked, finger quoting various. "Nest thin I know, you're going to chant the people I'm actually traveling withs' names!"
"Jason Stormflame, Ryan Stormcaster-"
"UGH!" Destiny pounded her fists on the table, her head down looking at the table. Then a thought occured. Destiny looked up. "Speaking of them," Destiny said, keeping her voice low. "Wha-What happened to them? Did they escape?"
Fiona looked over to Stephan, a solemn expression on her face, as if she were a mourner at a funeral. Then she looked over to Destiny. She then got out, "We don't know what happened to them. We didn't find them, only you. We have no idea wheter they made it out and lived, or if they-" She seemed to shoke on the last word.
Destiny nodded, understanding what the final word was. "Died," Destiny finished.
Fiona nodded, then clutched her head . "Ugh," she maneaged to say before she fell to the ground on her side, clutching her head, connecting it to her chest, and pulled her knees to join. "Ow, ow, ow!" She seemed tobe saying, each one more painful and louder then the previous one. Her hood fell off to reveal a mass of long, tangled, red hair with both orange and yellow streaks that Destiny could barely make out from the tangles.
Destiny rushed over to help her, but Stephan got to her first and held up a hand for Desitny to stop. He gradually lifted her armpits and let another hand slide to to the back of her knee and softly carried her to the nearest couch. "Is she going to be okay?" Destiny asked in a panicky tone.
Stephan nodded. "Sometimes she has these huge headaches that knocks her out." He said, speaking for the first time. "While she has the headache she'll be out for a couple of hours. Then she gets back up just fine, as if nothing happened and being completely healthy." He shrugged. "Don't worry, its nothing major."
Nikki fluttered over, looking alarmed. Did she really pass out, or have one of those... you know?
Stephan managed a weak smile. "Same as usuall."
Nikki, actually seeming concerned about something, breathed a tiny sigh of relief.

An hour later, Sephan and Destiny sat at the table, eating a stew of meats and vegtables. Fiona still slept on the bed, occaisionally shaking and shivering a minute or two before it stopped. Destiny couldn't help but feel sorry for her. Nikki was flying around the pot of stew, slurpping the remains. As Destiny observed the things around her, she knew that there was something strange about the place.
"Stephan," Destiny said. "I just have this nagging feeling that there's ... its just that ... there's something you aren't telling me, huh?"
Stephan gulped down a spoonful of the stew and asked, "What makes you think that?"
"A lot," Destiny said. "The way Fiona said that no one but me and you guys could understand Nikki The event of Fiona passing out. The way she was about to say something else when she was thanking you. How Fiona seems to know all. And especially your-"
"Yes! So what is going on? I'm not stupid!"
Actually... Nikki began.
"Shut it, Nikki!"
Its just that, well, what their secret is is something that only and idiot like you couldn't figure out.
Destiny said these words with such great force that even Nikki was taken aback by then. "Someone's got the 'tude, huh?" Nikki muttered, her voice barely audible.
Stephan chuckled. "I assure you, Destiny, we aren't keeping anything."
Stephan looked to Nikki, and Destiny observed that, from his facial expression, he was saying, Say one word and I will squeeze you to death!

1 comment:

  1. Desting that was great (Gotta finish it now hehe) But if you don't want to shut down the blog, I could do it with you, I mean i'm death, 1 + 1 = 2 soo what do you think, I mean it's a great blog i'd hate to see shut down so just a suggestion.
