
Wednesday, November 18, 2009


It's an honor to introduce on this blog, the one and only, ALIA LOTUSPETAL, author of the blog The Wizard101 Addict (It's in both mine and Cody's blog lists), THE FIRST FOLLOWER of the blog, and writer of the Most Powerful Spells of All series featured on Creative Writing! To view it, just copy and paste this link right here:

Anyways, I took some pictures of the duel that me and Alia fought together.

This is when we were starting out, BOYS vs. Girls!

Ooooooooooooooooooooh, the battle just got even more INTENSE!


So anyways, that's what I took of the duel. Unfortunatly, the boys won. But it was fun, because the last two attempts to have a duel with Alia, once Mom called a meeting, and another when Tally (Our dog) got out and we had to chase her around for about ten minutes. You wouldn't BELIEVE how fast she runs! Faster then triple the whole family combined!
Anyway, I have also posted an Upcoming Events widget, and as you can see, along with the due date for entries of the dueler of the month, there is a release date for The Necromancer's Matter, you're probably all wondering what that is. It's a series of stories written by me about my character, Destiny Seagem. Anyways, Part 1, Orientation, will be released this Friday as part of a celebration of the arrival of this blog. I'm posting it on here because the Creative Writing Forums seemed to have rejected it just because it takes place before the set of the time the virtual world does. I'll give you a special inside look at part 1 and the characters and plot, so stay tuned on this blog, The Duo of Death!

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